Monse-Heart Student Code of Conduct

To ensure all Monse-Heart students comply with expectations, this code of conduct establishes online learning and class participation guidelines. It addresses student interaction with the teacher, staff, and other Monse-Heart students.

Guidelines for Virtual Classroom Learning and Account Setup.

  1. A profile picture of the student headshot (above shoulders) will be required to create an account. The image should not be offensive or indecent in any manner. 
  2. The Student must choose a virtual video background that is appropriate for educational use. The institute reserves the right to determine if a profile picture or virtual video background is considered inappropriate.
  3. Students must update their profile picture or virtual video background when asked to do so by their teacher or other Monse-Heart staff members.
  4. The Student must choose acceptable (none revealing) clothing attire for live classes.
  5. A student’s account requires a valid email address that does not use profane or offensive words. The institute reserves the right to determine if an email address is suitable for class use and school correspondence.
  6. Students must not share their login credentials with anyone unless they are under the age of 18; communicating with the parents or legal guardian is acceptable; sharing will breach teachers’ and other students’ confidentiality by unauthorized people.
  7. Students should choose a quiet study space and dedicate time well in advance for live online classes and self-paced learning. Students must choose a comfortable seating area where they can focus without being distracted by other household members.

General Information to Prevent Excessive Network Load

  1. Unless a student is delivering a presentation, they should not send or circulate videos during a live presentation.
  2. The Student should turn off the microphone unless he or she is speaking.
  3. The teacher may use the “Mute All” button in meetings with multiple students if needed.
  4. The Student should turn off their video unless required or if the Student is conducting a presentation. A student may voluntarily keep his or her video on. Only the presenter needs to turn on the video.
  5. Do not use live captions unless required.

Interactions with Teacher, Staff, and other Students

Interactions with Teacher, Staff, and other Students

  1. Communication inside of virtual classrooms
  2. Students should address all teachers and staff members with courtesy using the appropriate title (Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Dr.) using only the last name. No other form of address is acceptable.
  3. Students should communicate with teachers and staff respectfully while using any communication mode, such as emails, phone, online, etc.
  4. The Student must not use indecent, profane, offensive, or insulting language when interacting with the teacher, staff, or other students.
  5. The students must behave respectfully, be aware they are on camera, and participating in an online session. Student’s behavior should be in line with face-to-face teaching with their teacher and classmates.
  6. The students must comply with their teacher’s guidelines for audio/video settings and class participation during a live online session.
  7. Communication outside of virtual classrooms
  8. Value the time and methods set by your teacher for contact hours. 
  9. Follow the guideline mentioned earlier on proper conduct in all correspondence related to online education. 
  10. Check your email daily and other contact networks to stay up-to-date with class information shared by your teacher or the Monse-Heart Institute.
  11. It is prohibited to send unsolicited emails to other classmates of Monse-Heart. All contact with other students in every form must be course-related and presented in a friendly, courteous, and respectful manner.
  1. Students’ honesty and authenticity of their course work are essential to us; we verify course work through various electronic methods. Plagiarism, using content from the Internet without acknowledgment, or intentionally allowing others to copy their course work could result in removal from the institute.
  2. Do not work with other students on your assignments unless directed to do so by your teacher. Therefore, parents should not log into a student’s account and complete coursework on their behalf.
  3. Students should not use offensive, profane, threatening, or insulting language or pictures in any contact with other students or their teachers; Monse-Heart does not permit these actions.

Privacy & General Data Protection Regulation Compliance

  1. Students cannot share documents, videos, and any other correspondence exclusive to the course with outsiders or third parties.
  2. Students should not take screenshots of or record any of the e-resources used within the course.
  3. Teachers may decide to record a session for students who could not attend the class for some reason or to use it for instructional purposes in the following groups. The teacher will provide advance notice if she intends to record the session; the institute will not circulate the session to third parties outside of Monse-Heart.
  4. If a student does not want to be filmed and recorded, he/she may inform the teacher and turn off his/her webcam. The Student must responsibly handle their privacy issues regarding being filmed or recorded in a live session. They have to turn their camera off after hearing the announcement their teacher will record the session.

Appropriate Use of the Internet

  1. The students of Monse-Heart are liable to all local, state, and federal laws that govern the Internet. As a result, program managers will collaborate entirely with local, state, and

federal authorities in any investigation relating to the unlawful activity performed by 

Internet access.

  1. In a claim that a student has violated this policy, the institute will notify the Student of the alleged violation with a description.
  2. If a student violates this policy, the institute will take disciplinary action that can result in dismissal from courses and other disciplinary or legal action.

Disciplinary Action

Violations of the Monse-Heart Student Code of Conduct:

  1. In the event of a violation of this policy, the teacher will submit a completed Code of Conduct Reporting form to the Monse-Heart program managers.
  2. The program manager will notify the Student, parents/guardians, or sponsors that the Student has violated the code.
  3. Monse-Heart program managers will decide what, if any, corrective action should be taken based on the investigation report.
  4. In violation of the student code of conduct, disciplinary action would result in the Student’s withdrawal from the institute’s courses or removal.

My signature below confirms that I have read, and agree to abide by, the Student’s code of conduct. Violations to these guidelines may result in a warning or withdrawal from the institutes.

My signature below confirms that I have read, and agree to abide by, the Student’s code of conduct. Violations to these guidelines may result in a warning or withdrawal from the institutes.

Date  ___________________________________________________                                        

Printed Name  _____________________________________________

Student’s Signature  ________________________________________

Monse-Heart Student Code of Conduct.

To ensure all Monse-Heart students comply with expectations, this code of conduct establishes online learning and class participation guidelines. It addresses student interaction with the teacher, staff, and other Monse-Heart students.

    I agree on terms and conditions


    Printed Name